This post is dedicated to George Floyd.

Act Now: Call for Justice for George Floyd | ACLU of Minnesota

Floyd, 46, died Monday after he was detained for questioning regarding a possible forgery in progress. Video of his death, caught by bystanders showed a Minneapolis police officer holding his knee to Floyd’s neck for more than five minutes as Floyd pleaded for air. Floyd didn't deserve to die the way he did. He should still be here with us... with his family.
Yes i agree his KILLER should be ARRESTED!

We ask ourselves

A good guy': George Floyd remembered by former coach, classmate
Artwork credit goes to its rightful owner!

I  once read a quote from Mother Teresa that said:
 " I will NEVER attend an anti-war rally.
If you have a peace rally, invite me."
She understood that what we focus on is what becomes reality. 

The reason i named this post PEACE FOR ALL is to bring peace to us. We must understand that we must focus on peace rather than HATE! BECAUSE WHAT WE FOCUS ON, THAT IS WHAT WE ATTRACT ... it's what becomes our reality. I KNOW this is hard to understand at first.  I didn't understand this either. 

Wiz Khalifa tweeted this week:

You guys see what i mean!
I ask kindly for you to change your mindset for the better.

I AM NOT asking you to NOT be upset about what happened to our brother GEORGE BUT to take positive action about this.

Make Love Not War - Peace on the Streets with graffiti artist Smug ...
Artwork credit goes to its rightful owner!

I am hopeful that this will ALL come to an END. All this HATE. ALL this UNFAIR JUSTICE. I am a DREAMER and I BELIEVE. I ask that you believe with me!

If you're reading this and still don't understand my point.
Let me give you one more example. Most of us have social media and we have been seeing LOTS of posts about George.LOTS of ANGER and i agree we should be 1000% upset! however instead of posting "HATE" post "Justice" post "PEACE for ALL".

Oh and if you are protesting in Atlanta and are in NEED of a sign message me, I CAN HELP!

As always,

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Michelle R De Leon
