If you'd like something fun to do with your family! T-shirt Tie dying is a GREAT idea!
Tie dye was a popular fabric trend in the ’60s, a symbol of free expression.
Keep reading to find out step by step on how to create your own colorful shirt!
EASY Instructions for Beginners:
WORKSPACE – Get the area you have chosen ready for a messy event. Cover tables with plastic and if you feel it is necessary, the floor as well. Working outside gives you more freedom especially if you decide to make this a family affair.
DYE – Prepare the dye mixture according to the instructions on the packet. Use one of your buckets or containers to mix and contain the dye for future use with the fabric.
FABRIC – Prepare your fabric. Pre-wash new fabric to remove starch and sizing. All new clothing items should be prewashed in case they have starch or chemicals that may prevent the dye from penetrating. Using fabrics or garments you plan to upcycle will not require a pre-wash process.
TEST – Test your dye on a scrap of fabric to check for color intensity.
When your area is prepared and your tools are ready for use you are ready to start to create a tie dye pattern. There are several methods available and color combinations. It is best to start simple and be happy with the outcome.
Choose a tying method. Rubber bands work well or tying with twine. The idea with tie-dye is the tied up parts with bands or string will not absorb the dye. This technique creates the patterns and swirls associated with tie dye.
See further down this article for different tying techniques you can use.
When you have tied the fabric get ready to swirl it in the bucket of dye. Pick it up with the tongs to check the color.
If you are not happy with the intensity of the color continue to leave the fabric in the dye for longer. Check the instructions on the packet of dye for times and amounts of water.
How to Tie Dye – Soaking
Greater control of where your color is applied can be obtained by putting dye in plastic applicator bottles and just squeezing dye where you need it. You could also put different colors in bowls and paint the dye on where you want it.
When you are satisfied with the color, remove the item from the bucket of dye and rinse in cold water. Rinse by hose or by swirling in a bucket of cold water.
If you plan on different colors repeat the dying process with other colors. Using different colors requires careful planning because of colors changing when they are dyed together.
If you unwrap and re-tie the dyed fabric before dying the next color then the white parts take on the new color while the first color changes according to a color mixing chart.
Finally, wrap the dyed fabric while wet into a plastic bag to allow the colors to set. Check the instructions on the commercial dye for time allocation for this.
When you are satisfied the colors are set, wash the dyed fabric item and dry and iron ready to make up your fabric.
There are so many designs to choose from when it comes to tye dying.We recommend youtubing which designs you like to see how to make that specific one.