Living in a Pandemic Moment!

Currently we are in the moment of HISTORY!
(Deep, yes i know) but TRUE! We and when i say we i mean THE WORLD is going through this PANDEMIC moment right now! *Gasps Yes I know i know…. It's CRAZY but i am here to tell you the story from my point of view. As of right now more than 16,000 people have died from this virus and 367,000 people have been diagnosed with it. The “Corona” virus is named after its outside crown layer appearance. It looks like a crown, the latin word for crown is [Corona].
Devastating to come to the realization of how this is hurting us all. Most places like New York, California, Italy and more are on LOCKDOWN meaning no one may come out of their homes unless they have obligated work or emergencies.I live in Georgia and at the moment Governor Brian Kemp has NOT said much in regards to this. We have just been advised by the news to stay home and sanitize our belongings.At first it started small in Fulton GA then i heard a case in Cobb which is where i live! Studies show that elderly people are getting this more than young people. I have attached an image for you to see the update for today however tomorrow we may sadly see more.
With that being said, My faith for us all stays strong and I believe we will get through this. My hope is to get with a charity so that we can make an impactful difference with my artwork. Now, i can't go into to much details about the charity program but check my blog often to find out what is in store ahead! -Michelle R. De Leon

