Things to do during Corona Virus Quarantine!

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Hey Peeps! Nice of you to stop by, i know some of you are looking like this meme here.
This quarantine was unexpected but here are some things to do while your stuck at home.

  • Draw or paint (be determined, frame it and hang it somewhere in your home)
  • Puzzles (challenge someone - loser has to _____ )
  • Board Games like monopoly 
  • Read (Google something of your interest)
    Example: (if you're a guy) search up the latest Tesla model
    (If you're a girl) searching up the newest fashion trends or latest home decor ideas… reading can expand your mentality. 
  • Youtube a fun new DIY (fix something broken around your home)
  • Catch up on a friend (Call or message them… This only takes a few minutes don't be shy!)
  • Play video games (Some of my favorites are GTA, Super smash bro. Or Racing games)
  • Movie marathon (watch the MARVEL movies in order)
  • Delete unwanted pictures from gallery (We all have those blurry pictures we don't need, i deleted 1,000 yesterday lol)
  • Clean closet (Get rid of clothes & shoes you don't use)
    Make room for new styles for the summer!
    LADIES LET IT GOOOOOO if you don't wear it donate it!
  • Work on a Vision Board (Write down what goals you would want to achieve in the next year or 2, Studies show that vision boards ACTUALLY work because they take the thoughts and dreams in your head and turn them into something real. NOT much of a writer? It’s okay! Talk to your spouse or sibling or a good friend about it. )
  • Work out ! (50 sets of lifting, 50 squats, 50 situps) REPEAT!
  • Quality time  (Enjoy family time)
  • Selfcare (Pluck unwanted eyebrow hair, trim beard, cut nails, drinkwater, meditate for 5 minutes

    Take time to do things for yourself. 
