Covid-19 UPDATE

What's up guys!!!!

Its been a moment since i've posted about our current situation with the virus.
The United States now has more reported deaths from Covid -19 than any other nation.
Deaths from the virus reached over 19,880 in the U.S. Unfortunately this continues to go up as days go by. GA Governor Brian Kemp has confirmed a month extension for LOCKDOWN. The new date is May 13th 2020.

Scientist have now discovered that the Coronavirus can travel through the air at least 13 feet - more than what they had originally told us (6 ft). They are also saying that the virus can spread on peoples shoes.

(Sigh) Although this is a difficult time we are going through, our FAITH remains the same!
I believe that the world is going through a difficult moment that requires our ATTENTION and care!
We must try to remain in our homes as much as possible. There are steps we should follow to protect ourselves and our loved ones.

  • Wear a Face Mask at ALL times
    (DM me to order a custom face mask)
  • Wash hands often for 30 seconds
  • Take off shoes before entering home
  • Disinfect all surfaces that are touched often
    (Keys, steering wheel, fridge, door knobs, etc.)

    As always thank you for stopping by my blog.

    I will be posting often, be sure to subscribe by email. 


    Michelle R De Leon
