
 Welcome back to my art blog!

 Its been a good minute ALOT HAS HAPPENED BUT WE STILL HERE! lol

 I just wanted to give you guys an update on my most recent pieces. ACTUALLY one of my BIGGEST CANVASES I have created SO FAR!

Painting Name: "COUTURE"
Measured 40 x 48 inches
Just enough to fit behind your car 🚗 
And BIG enough to catch your eye.

 A  Huge shout out to my Art collector Mary. She lives out in Texas and she bought the painting before it went up on my website 🎉

Mary has a very wonderful woman's organization that I highly recommend.
(@rgvfemale ) Find her and follow her on IG & FACEBOOK! 

 This organization that she runs is a female entrepreneur community that inspires women. You get to talk about your business and get to learn a lot of business strategies with her. Check her out on Instagram: @RGVfemales (Drop a YELLOW EMOJI 💛 on her recent posts 😉) 


Going back to the painting...I was so excited to deliver it to her personally. I am very happy it found a great home and I am very excited to work on my next one which will be 3/10.

For those of you who are new to my blog and don't know,  I am doing 10/10 VERY EXCLUSIVE LIMITED EDITION GEOMETRIC paintings. They are all going to be different colors.I reveal the colors on my social media on Instagram so be sure to follow and keep up with my latest paintings. You may also check out my reviews on my website which is

I hope that you enjoyed today's little update!
Its always great to let you guys know what I'm working on. I have some other finished and exciting projects I'd like to share!

Be sure to subscribe to my blog to be the 1st ones to know when I post 😉 🍵 

"Continue to stay motivated and create every single day, Don't let your talent go to waste"

💘 Bombchelle 
