Happy September!

Welcome back RAG Artists!

It's been a min. but I'm still here
(Just really busy lately).
I hope you guys are still creating out there. 
For todays post I'd like to share some ideas I have for the blog.

You'll see more "How To" posts. I havent decided on what yet but that's all I have for now. As some of my true supporters out there may know, My birthday is this month! 

For my birthday I desire to INSPIRE artists out there who may feel stuck or afraid about ART. ART may be seen as a unique interest. Some ppl just may not like it and thats OK. But for those of you that do like myself.... I'd like to help you stay motivated. My purpose for RAG is to CREATE * MOTIVATE & INSPIRE!

With that being said... More How To POSTS (whos with me) ???


Be sure to subscribe to my art blog to be one of the first ppl to know!

Comment below to let me know what kind of "How To's" would you like to READ???

WHELP.... Thats all for today, Stay tuned for the next POST!


Michelle . R.D
