MAY 11th, 2022


Welcome back and Happy MAY!!!

Lets DIVE INTO ART! We have gone over this im sure but I love to encourage my readers who aren't so much art lovers to open up to the art world. Most ppl think art is ONE type of style which in FACT... ART IS SO MUCH MORE! 


"With ART, You never know what will create"

When I paint the ability to create something unique is such a passion. It's up to you to create what comes from within. 

Some ppl draw/paint what they see.
Others draw/paint what they feel.

There is also ppl like myself that enjoy both.
All methods are great ways to relieve stress tbh and are enjoyable however its up to the artist to figure out which one they enjoy more. One thing is for sure Art should NEVER feel stressful. When you make it from the heart ppl regardless of what you create, will notice. 

I highly encourage you to sign up for my virtual art classes THAT I AM NOW TEACHING. My "SIP & DOODLE" class! (you can read more about it in my website)
Lots of fun and art strategies to learn!

To those who think "I can't Draw AT ALL" ...
I believe you can. You must TRY and keep trying after to be able to succeed like everything else. 

I hope todays post encourages you to not only understand art a little more but ALSO TO SUBSCRIBE to my art blog ^.^ !

Untill NEXT TIME !


