Hi guys whats up!

Podcasts have been very populer lately.
I want to share some art podcast so you can listen to when you are painting or if you are a starting artist!

What is a podcast?

A podcast is another method to entertain, humour and educate. They are all sound, with no distraction coming from how people look or dress like you might get from watching a TV show or film. Most podcasts come in the form of series, just like a television show, and then are broken down into episodes. Got it OKAY COOL :)

Are Podcasts FREE?

Yes most podcasts are free, but some will ask you to pay.

Podcasts to listen to

Heres a list of some cool podcasts you can listen to

  1. ArtTactic.
  2. the Jealous Curator | Art for Your Ear.
  3. ArtCurious Podcast.
  4. he Abundant Artist Podcast.
  5. The Potters Cast.
  6. The Light Grey Art Lab Podcast.
  7. Art Biz Podcast.
  8. Art Made Easy.

Well guys, todays post was pretty simple.

I wanted to share these podcasts with YOU.
I hope they can motivate you and inspire you to CREATE!

As always THANK YOU for following.

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Till next time...

